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Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

Fetching the keyword or the keyword may be a slight difference in the exact meaning of each of these two phrases,

and we may address the underlying difference between the keyword and the keyword in one of the next topics,

but now you consider that the meaning is one and the keyword is the semantic word because it is really the same in reality.

Only the difference in places where the word is placed can change its name from key to semantic.

In general, in this topic I will bring you closer to the most important sources of fetch
The appropriate keywords and tags for your YouTube channel or site, and to do this we must track YouTube itself and see how it classifies the videos.

How does YouTube classify videos?

To find out the exact answer to this question, we must visit the channels that are created automatically by YouTube that deal with topics of the same interests as our channel, but in which we are looking for our YouTube videos to appear in it, for example if your YouTube channel deals with cooking topics. This is the automatic YouTube channel in the field of cooking It contains more than 890 thousand subscribers
This is the description that YouTube itself uses, and it is a description that you can use with some simple options and additions.

Cooking, baking, cooking or ripening of food is the process of getting foodstuffs ready to eat by heating them. People can cook food on a fire using wood or charcoal, with a stove that uses propane or natural gas, or with a stove that uses electricity. An oven is a place with a fire that looks like a box. People also built clay and brick kilns.
There are many ways to cook. Usually food is boiled by cooking it in water. Usually in cooking food we use some types of vessels such as the Dutch oven and frying tools. People sometimes cook food by placing it directly on a fire. Before foods are cooked, they are said to be raw. Some foods are good and are raw.

There are many types of kitchens in the Arab world, such as: Moroccan cuisine, Egyptian cuisine, Levantine cuisine and Gulf cuisine. A food chef is called a cook.

This channel is automatically created by YouTube’s video discovery system.
Description from Wikipedia

If we look at this description, we find that it is full of words that are related to cooking or cooking, and I made it red, as well as a description from an external source, which is Wikipedia, meaning you can find the description that YouTube adopts for each specific niche in Wikipedia because YouTube robots use it as a reference for its servers.
After we know the best place to find a good description for the YouTube channel, we will move to the best place to fetch description keywords and video titles.

How to find the most suitable keywords with description and title for YouTube videos.

In order to be honest with you enough, searching for keywords and fetching keywords is not an easy thing, as it needs a lot of focus and work. This is why there are tools and paid sites, and the user must subscribe monthly. Perhaps the best site to provide this service is ahrefs site, the price of the monthly subscription for the regular account is $ 99 A large sum, isn’t it, and this is the best proof of the importance of keywords in any content on the Internet, whether written, audible or visual. In any case, we will not use any of the paid sites, and we will rely on the sources on which the best YouTube keyword extraction site and sites are based in determining and knowing the most popular keywords on the Internet.

When we talk about sources of fetching keywords, we are referring to search engines in general, and since Google is the largest search engine for the hour, there is no doubt that it is the most important source of keywords at all.

In this paragraph, we will talk about Google Trend or Google Trends. Google has developed this service specifically for the press to be more in line with the event and considering that what we do is closer to journalism and what we are looking for is the same as the intent of an experienced journalist, there is nothing wrong with us using his tools a little, but Before we discuss how to use Google Trend to bring in the most searched words on the Internet, I would like to tell you that the uses of Google Trend are different and multiple, but in the end they are of the same significance.

With these pictures I tried to explain Google Trend and how to search for common keywords.
Let’s explain how to find the most searched words in search engines using the Google trend tool

First, we enter the Google Trend tool from here:

1- Write here the keyword you want to target or the niche that we will work on

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

Top words or queries searched by YouTube

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

After you got relatively familiar with Google Trend, it was suggested to you by the YouTube search engine that many people may not realize that YouTube is a good source for fetching the appropriate keywords or keywords, especially for video clips.

How to use YouTube to get ready-made keywords with high search ratio.

The methods of fetching keywords from YouTube are many, but they differ in terms of quality and time to find them. In this paragraph, we mention the two most important ways to reach keywords that increase the number of views significantly.

In the first, we change the country of the channel to the target country, and to do that, there are several ways. These are among them.
First, we go to the Creators Studio, go back to the old format, scroll down, and choose the target country as shown in the picture.

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

Then we write the keyword for the video, and I chose America and wrote the word (dog) in the YouTube search box as it is the keyword, as you can see in the picture below.

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

After I go to the bottom of the YouTube page, it tries to facilitate the search for me and suggested to me the most important words that the visitors search for, and thus we have known the most important thing that the visitor writes on the YouTube search engine to reach certain content in the last sense of the keywords and semantics appropriate for the field that you have chosen (niche).

I would like to point out that these results differ from one country to another, and fetching keywords requires a lot of accuracy, so you must take into account your geographical location and you use this method to fetch keywords. Note the picture below for the same previous word, but with the change of the country to Morocco. This difference is enough to make you adopt keywords that have nothing to do with the target country, and this will have a negative impact on the channel, and you will be like someone who uses ready-made keywords.

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites


This method may enable you to reap thousands of visits if you use it well. It can also cause the YouTube search engine to ignore your videos if you do not improve its application. Shown in the picture.

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

After we chose the last hour, we go through the first results. If you find a video that was published in the last hour and exceeded 1000 views, in the same channel area, this is good. If you do not find it, you will choose the category today and you will choose the highest video in terms of view rate, click on it and after entering the video you write a title similar to the title of the video that I chose it with adding a word or deleting a word. If this will cause the title to go out on your video content, you should try to use the largest number of words and put the title of the video that we have chosen because it tops YouTube in the description on the basis that it is the title of the next video and in the description try to focus on fetching The keywords that he puts and put them in the video, as well as you in the target video you click on the right mouse button and choose to display the page source and then we press the (Ctrl + f) button and then we write the word (keywords) in the search box that will appear to us and we take the words Used in the video and placed in our video.
Explanation: This method is used for your video to appear in recommendations for a specific video.

illustrative pictures

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites
Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites
Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

In this topic, I have suggested to you the most important sources of keywords. I do not advise you at all about ready-made keywords that have been written down by a third party, because keywords are constantly renewed and ready-made keywords will not be the best solution for work. Instead of ready-made keywords, you will devote yourself to studying your channel’s statistics and try to find out which words Your YouTube channel or website started appearing when you type it and try to focus on the same keywords in future posts.

Fetching the right keywords for my YouTube channel and sites

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