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How to inspect your site or a competitor’s site

Website analysis your site and competitor site analysis, how to examine the competitor site and how to analyze sites

How to inspect your site or a competitor’s site

How to inspect your site or a competitor’s site

How to inspect your site or a competitor’s site

Why should you do a site analysis? 

We must understand well that digital marketing is closely related to methods of analysis and statistics and dealing with numbers and data in order to reach the best result and make the best possible decision in favor of your site, company or business.

The analysis is about providing the necessary data to understand the market, the product as well as the competitors. So why do we analyze websites in the first place? What data may be available to you as a digital market from analyzing the site or the competitor’s websites? What are the appropriate tools? What are the types and methods of analyzing websites? 

All these questions are undoubtedly very important in order to obtain the desired results. Where the question is considered one of the most important pillars of the analysis, I mean by that: 
Why? How? Both of them take into account many of the possibilities that will inevitably lead to reaching the marketing goal, at least in the aspect related to the analysis of your site or the competitor’s site. 

Accordingly, I will refer to many simple analysis methods up to the advanced ones, which will require good technical experience to deal with them later. 

Through this article, I will start first with the tools for identifying the current and past techniques of the site or the competitor’s site, and by that I mean what are the website technologies used at the present time, and what techniques have been used previously, and I will refer to the importance of knowing the site’s technology.

First: the wappalyzer website

The site can be accessed from here: WAPPALYZER

You can use this site to learn about the technologies used for the various websites of other competitors, as the site identifies the most important technologies and software used by the competing site or any site and identifies them. 

You can do the scanning process by clicking on the word free tools and then selecting a Technolog lookup, and then you will be able to add the site whose technologies you want to analyze.

The results appear in the form of a list that defines the different programs, for example, the type of hosting, DNS, analysis and monitoring techniques for the site, linking with other sites and social media sites, the site’s programming language, and many technical matters related to the sites. 

In some cases, the analysis site may not recognize the site’s technology or may not be able to list all the techniques used, so we can go to the next inspection site. 

Second: w3techs website

To enter the site from here: W3TECHSW3techs website is considered easy to refrain and is characterized by high accuracy by identifying the type of programming for the website in addition to good tracking about the hosting that was used

The site helps to get acquainted with the various technical matters related to the site such as, protocols, hosting, type of programming language, the basis on which the site is based in addition to the languages ​​used, libraries for JavaScript and many of the various website technologies. In addition to the various reports and general various analysis processes about modern technologies, the most used programming languages, and different statistics, we will deal with them later.

Third: builtwith site

To enter the site from here:BUILTWITHBuiltwith website, like its predecessors, also displays the technology and techniques of the site and the software used within the site, which aims to improve the performance of the site, either for analysis or marketing, or for protection and competition purposes. 

It is also possible to know the previous technologies that have been used within the site through the Detaild Technology Profile 

The work of these sites is not only limited to knowing the programming language or technologies currently or previously used only, but the most important goal of them is your ability as a programmer or digital marketer to determine the best options available by analyzing your competitors, to choose the appropriate technologies. 

For example, when you analyze the competing site, you may find the existence of analysis services such as Google Analytics or Facebook pixels, as well as hot dealers used within the competing site, and this does not necessarily mean that you use them all, but rather that you decide the best and appropriate for your site or field of work. 

Also, you may find the competitor uses a programming language such as PHP,, React JS or other programming languages, and it also does not necessarily mean using the same programming language, but you can decide if it is suitable for your field of work or not. 

The diversity in the use of analysis tools also gives better possibilities to decide which of these tools is best to use, usually the existing analysis may be wrong. For example, all of these sites do not immediately update their database related to site analysis, but rather crawl repeatedly with each new scan For the site, this means that the result is basically not immediate, but rather it takes a short time to update the data again. 

This was a very simple explanation about examining the software site technology and the technical services used. And methods of analyzing your competitor’s site. I did not go into detail about how to best use the aforementioned analysis sites, but I will touch them later in different and detailed articles that will help you as a digital marketer or data analyst to reach your goal or the best possible decision about your website. 

In the next article, we will talk about the method of analyzing the site using a wappalyzer, followed by the sites mentioned above, then it is followed by various other tools, and finally to the stage of using advanced methods, some of which require levels of technical expertise and the other needs analytical experience. 

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